Nexus 001

A six panel comic, the first panel reads, "Localtoast, the demon that lives at localhost" With a head of a demon saying "Always do your backups!" The second panel reads, "RM -RF / CD .. I manage to mess up my computer on a regular basis." Third panel, "RM -RF /BIN" with a little demon typing. Panel four, "My favourite so far is RSYNC -R /. . -RV would have shown a clue as to what was unfolding in my hard drive, as it was I had n oidea what my computer ground to a halt." Fifth panel, "RSYNC -R /. . this particular command does something you wouldn't expect it to do at first. It copies the entirety of your computer to wherever you happen to be. If you've got a big /home it cal fill your disk to the brim, preventing you from doing anything at all." Sixth panel reads, "The solution to this is to use a piece of bootable media. Working from the usb directly lets you work without being affected by the machine and whatever is going wrong with it. Boot from the stick, mount the disk and delete the cloned directories, bam!" With a little demon saying, "It's not a thumb drive, it's a life stick!"

I managed to get published in The Nexus, the camosun newspaper! Woo!